Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
What could it look like to find lasting healing?
Discover answers to all your questions about You Can Heal With Us. Learn how Somatic Experiencing® can empower you to heal and move forward into the life you were meant to live.Â
I’ve already done talk therapy or I’ve already worked with a life coach. How is this different?
Sounds like this is going to take a lot of time I don’t have. Is it worth it?
What is Somatic Experiencing®?
What is the Stress Response Cycle?
How is Somatic Experiencing® different from other somatic approaches?
How long have you been in practice?
What is your training in?
Do you take insurance or HSA?
FAQs about the Healing Foundations Class:
What is class size and duration?
Do I have to share on the calls?
Are there any one-on-one calls?
Is this program faith-based?
Am I really going to address years worth of trauma in 8 weeks?
Will we have a workbook to help us track progress?
What happens after it’s over?
I’m on the email list. Why am I not hearing about class enrollments?
I still have questions. How can I get in contact?
FAQs about the Exclusive:
How is the Exclusive Program different than Healing Foundations Class?
How is this different than the Transformation Bundle?
How much access will I get to my Somatic Integration Practitioner?
FAQs about the Transformation Bundle:
How is the Transformation Bundle different than the Healing Foundations Class?
How is the Transformation Bundle different than the Exclusive Program?
What is included if I purchase the Transformation Bundle now vs if I wait until after the Healing Foundations Class?
How much access will I get to my Somatic Integration Practitioner?
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